Moses' Rod

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    Photo: Stephen Pitkin/Pitkin Studio
Found root, coral, shoe sole, jewelry, artificial plants and hair, baby shoe, fabric, wooden pole, wire, barbed wire
82.5 inches
Collection of
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Adolph D. and Wilkins C. Williams Fund and partial gift of the Souls Grown Deep Foundation

"A rod of prosperity. Soon as they got unbound they was free. Objects of the sea. A shoe sole with an Indian on it, already in the land when we got here. Driftwood with a hole in it the womb of woman. Barbed wire, plastic beads, artificial hair, Christmas holly, to make people aware of danger in their midst. The power to spread the sea, to let them enter another land, like the Africans leaving Africa. We didn't part the ocean. Some of us got fenced in and couldn't be free. Conditions can let your mind get fenced in as well as your body."—Lonnie Holley